Diamond in Minecraft is certainly the most sought after item by players. Indeed, it is used in the creation of the most powerful items, armors and weapons in the game. Where to find diamond in Minecraft and at what layer? You’ll have to dig deep, at the bedrock level (the strongest block in the game).
Finding diamonds is difficult and requires at least an iron pickaxe. A bucket of water might be useful, as diamonds are often found near the lava.
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In which layer to find diamonds in Minecraft 1.21 ?
With the Minecraft 1.18 update, the entire distribution of minerals has been changed. As a result, the diamond is no longer positioned in the same place. In Minecraft 1.21 you can find diamond between layers 16 to -64, and the best place to mine it is at layer -54. See also our article to know all the layers of the ores in Minecraft 1.20.

Looking for the diamond
During your mining sessions, you should stay alert and try to spot the diamond ore lodes. These lodes are very rare, as they represent 0.0846% of the blocks in the last levels of the map.
Two main mining techniques are used to find diamonds in Minecraft: “optimized” mining and random exploration of caves and other natural formations.
Cave Exploration
Cave exploration is much less monotonous and allows you to discover beautiful creations from Minecraft’s random world generator. However, you’ll spend more time fighting monsters, since caves are in dark areas and are prone to nasty bugs!
A lava lake often indicates the presence of diamonds nearby. Take a bucket of water and explore the area around it.
The silly and nasty mining
Less fun, but certainly more efficient in terms of yield. You’ll be using as many picks and shovels as possible to get to your goal, so make sure you have your inventory ready. At the beginning of your game, the easiest way to get to layers 16 to -64 is to dig a staircase. Later on, you can use other ways to get to these layers quickly (minecart, hole + ladder).
Optimized mining generally consists of mining on 1×2 every other block and this in a perpendicular way until you find diamond.
Mining the diamond lode well
The key word when finding diamond: safety! No panic, no rush. The diamond, once mined, will fall down because it is affected by gravity 😉 It is therefore necessary to mine all the blocks that surround the precious resource so coveted. The use of one or more buckets of water is recommended, since the lava is often close to the diamond. Don’t forget to light the area to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Use your iron or diamond pickaxe. Each diamond block will give you a single diamond unless you use a Fortune III enchantment to get up to 4 diamonds per block.
Once you’ve collected your diamonds, run to the safety of the area, away from creepers or other players if you’re playing on a PVP server.