Is this the end of Minecraft and Mojang? That’s what this Youtuber thinks and he explains why!

Youtuber AntVenom goes into detail in his video “The fall of Minecraft & Mojang… has begun?” about some, in his opinion, very serious flaws in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, mainly consisting of game-breaking glitches and the fact that Mojang has specifically said they won’t fix. Then he talks about a fairly secret version of Minecraft that some market partners have access to in order to make their creations, the “Minecraft Developper Edition” and how Mojang has reacted to these versions being leaked to the general public.

Transcript of the video “The fall of Minecraft & Mojang… has begun?”

It’s time to bite the hand that feeds me.

That is, Mojang, owned by Microsoft, the company that makes Minecraft.

Here’s what it’s all about.

First, I want to call attention to some very serious flaws in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, mainly consisting of game-breaking glitches that Mojang has specifically said they will not fix.

Second, I have to talk about a fairly secret version of Minecraft that some market partners have access to in order to make their creations, and I’ll talk about how Mojang reacted to these versions being leaked to the public.

Spoiler alert, it involves YouTube copyright Punches, which I am careful to avoid here.

Even without this video, it’s clear to everyone that Mojang as a company has been struggling lately.

The wild Minecraft 1.19 update comes out today, and it’s the third time in a row that we don’t get the features we were promised.

Now, here are some things to think about.

Mojang, as a company, has two main physical offices.

One in Stockholm, Sweden, and the other in Redmond, Washington, both of which I visited.

The Bedrock edition of Minecraft is largely developed in Redmond, as evidenced by this photo I took at the Minecraft Creator Summit in 2018, and I believe the java edition of Minecraft is still largely developed in Stockholm.

I’ve always thought of Mojang Stockholm as a nice, well-oiled machine, and I’ve never thought of Mojang Redmond in that way.

To be clear, I don’t begrudge the Mojang employees who are simply doing their best for the game they love.

They have my respect. It’s with all the parts of Mojang that have control over these issues, but choose to do nothing about it.

Let me ask you this before we start.

The majority of Minecraft players play Bedrock Edition, but the majority of creators use Java Edition.

Why is that? I have a lot of things to say today, some of which are not in favor of Mojang, and some of which are sincerely so.

I’ll do my best to remain impartial.

So where do we start? This is the bug reporting site for Minecraft.

If you find a bug that you can reproduce, that hasn’t been reported yet, this is the place to go to report it to Mojang.

Here is the list of all the Minecraft Bedrock Edition issues that Mojang knows about, but has chosen not to fix.

Now, I understand that Mojang can’t fix absolutely every issue themselves, so I understand why many of these items are here.

However, when you sort these bug reports by the number of votes the community has given them, at the top of the list is a problem that still makes me cringe today.

Once you’ve gone through 65536 blocks, if you’re not careful and move the wrong way, you can just fall through the world.

Random deaths have been plaguing Minecraft Bedrock Edition for a while now.

Here’s another one.

About 10 months ago, Reddit user Vuukee posted this video of how he randomly died after entering an end portal.

Imagine if this was you, playing in hardcore mode and suddenly dying for no reason.

Well, that would suck, and you’d be one of the many people who had that happen to.

Fortunately, hardcore mode doesn’t exist in the Bedrock edition yet, which is strange because it has received over 1000 comments and 22,000 votes on Mojang’s website since it was added 4 years ago.

Here is another problem.

When Minecraft 1.18 was released, Mojang implemented a feature called “Chunk Blending” which causes all the new chunks you load to blend with the old chunks, preventing those sudden walls of dirt from appearing where the terrain of different versions meet.

I made a video about this feature and praised it for working well.

Little did I know that Mojang thought I was a fool.


The chunk mix is broken in the Bedrock edition.

Here’s how.

I generated a world in Minecraft Java 1.17, and only loaded a part of a forest mansion, which will force all new chunks generated in version 1.18 and beyond to blend into that mansion.

I then converted the map to Bedrock 1.17 using, a Mojang-licensed world conversion tool, and then loaded the world into both Java and Bedrock 1.18 to see what each would look like.

In the Java edition, the mansion actually finished generating…

which I didn’t even know could happen, and in Bedrock…

Oh no…

I can see it already.

Ohhh no! That’s awful! Yeah…

Unlike Java Edition, Bedrock Edition’s chunk blending spreads over the old chunks, causing this legitimately disgusting effect.

In general, chunk blending is much less natural on Bedrock than in Java.

This is a problem that Mojang very VERY specifically stated in one of their videos, that it would not happen.

Are you starting to see the problem here? Here is another problem.

In Minecraft Bedrock 1.18, mountain biomes are not being generated correctly beyond 2.8 million blocks.


Try it.

Open Bedrock Edition, teleport to these coordinates, and look for a cold mountain biome.

If you’re playing on a desktop version, you’ll see a giant hole in the ground instead of the mountain, and if you’re on the iPhone or other versions of Bedrock, you may see a huge monolith instead.

This distance may be far beyond where the average player will venture on foot, but Bedrock edition issues like this go against how Mojang handles these things with the Java edition.

Remember, Minecraft Java is in Stockholm like Minecraft Bedrock is in Redmond.

In Minecraft Java, Mojang has made a very specific effort to fix even the smallest problems related to the distance of the world, right down to the 30 million block world border.

That’s backwards.

Does Java Edition get special treatment, or does Bedrock Edition get crappy treatment? I understand that there are probably very legitimate technical reasons why these issues affect Bedrock Edition, but if Genshin Impact can absolutely triumph on multiple platforms, so can a voxel-based game on blocks.

And no, Genshin didn’t pay me to say that part.

Let’s talk about the Minecraft marketplace for a bit, because it ties into what I’m going to say later.

For all the negative things people have to say about the Marketplace, honestly, it’s really not that horrible for what it aims to be.

I can choose the type of item I want to look for, like skin packs, worlds, texture packs, etc. I can see what items are most in demand right now, and I can click on any individual item to get more information.

It works, even if it does feel a little clickbait.

My first little problem is that clicking on the button that displays the price of that item in Minecoins automatically buys that item without warning.

If you accidentally buy something, you can’t get a refund, according to Mojang’s refund policy.

I don’t know about you, but I feel like there is no confirmation screen for purchases in the Marketplace.

Here’s another item.

Do a search for Dream on the Marketplace, and see what comes up.

Yeah, wow, that’s a lot.

I asked Dream if he had given permission to any of these Marketplace partners for any of these items, and he simply said, “No, I haven’t.”

I don’t know about you, but something about asking for money to use someone else’s name and image without their permission seems completely unacceptable to me.

From memory, I’ve done videos on a few infamous market partners, so this doesn’t surprise me at all.

Fortunately, even on the phones you’re seeing right now, it’s entirely possible to import Minecraft maps and resource packs to enjoy for free, even if it limits you to items that aren’t on the marketplace.

The next part of the video you’re about to see is why this video is a month late for me.

I had to think about how best to talk about a version of Minecraft that the public doesn’t have access to, but a lot has happened in the last month, so, it’s time for me to get to it.

The images I’m going to use are from ElementX, and the videos they produced a few months ago on Developer Edition.

These videos, posted several months ago, still exist on YouTube today, and nothing I’m going to talk about is secret information.

In October 2021, I became aware of a version of Minecraft that has since been dubbed the “Minecraft Developer Edition.”

This is a version of Minecraft that two Marketplace partners told me they had access to in order to make their creations.

This version of Minecraft contains the F3 menu of the Java edition, some really impressive entity manipulation commands, and a whole host of debugging features that allow you to create and test virtually any scenario you would need if you were making content for the Marketplace.

See, I have to be fair and say that I’m not afraid that this version of Minecraft exists, at all.

I love it.

It’s a shame that many of these unique features aren’t available to the general public, but if Mojang wants to develop a version just for their Marketplace partners, that’s their prerogative.

The Minecraft Marketplace has a giant colored button on the Minecraft home screen, and the Marketplace makes a lot of money for Mojang, so it would make sense for Mojang to provide these partners with a version of the game that helps them all make more money, faster.

But from time to time, it seems that this version also contains features that are intended to be part of the main game, but are not yet available to the public.

The only evidence of this that I can share comes once again from ElementX, who made a video about the previously planned firefly creature that existed in a new Developer Edition release.

This video was the subject of a copyright strike by Mojang after ElementX put the video in private mode.

Mojang wanted the video deleted, not private.

You know, Mojang, you could have sent him a new email to say that making it private wasn’t enough.

The first video that TantalusC posted on the developer edition also got a strike.

He is my first point of contact for the leak.

To be fair to Mojang, Tantalus’ video explicitly provided a link to a download of the developer edition, so I can understand Mojang wanting to remove it.

Linking to modern versions of Minecraft that bypass Mojang’s authentication is against their terms of service, and I can only imagine what internal contracts Mojang might have in order to protect themselves here.

There’s a term I can think of, and it’s called an embargo.

To be fair to Tantalus, Mojang’s initial reasoning for the strike was that Tantalus used a song that Microsoft doesn’t even own the rights to, and didn’t even use in the video in question.

I’ll leave it to qualified people to discuss the legality of this decision.

I asked Mojang for a comment, their response is as follows.

“This Punch happened a long time ago, and once the mistake was made, it was undone.

Someone on the team made a mistake.

It was corrected and the process worked as it should have.

It was unfortunate.” So, let me clarify this.

Mojang is privately developing a version of Minecraft that is intended to be kept secret from the general public.


Then Mojang gives these versions to market partners, where a few unfortunate people lie, steal, and cheat the system in order to make a profit, and Mojang expected that this version would not be released to the public considering that nefarious partners exist? Okay okay, listen to this.

Mojang, in its infinite wisdom, knowing that these versions were being leaked to the public, decided to add the firefly to Developer Edition, and Developer Edition was leaked again…

and then they removed the copyright on the ElementX video about it? Like, Mojang, are you kidding me? If you haven’t fixed your leak yet, you’re just turning a blind eye to the real problem.

Maybe you should focus your efforts on fixing your leak instead.

Maybe you should make an effort to fix those very easy to fix problems in Bedrock Edition that really hurt the experience, some of which have been around for over three years now.

Where are the friends lists? Why did the Essential mod beat you to it? By the way, it pays, check out my full ant costume in the Essential mod.

Anyway, Mojang, I hope you’re not surprised that people are angry with you when you say “Concept art is not a commitment” in reference to why the new birch forests were removed from 1.19.

People were looking forward to this, and it hurts to see another Minecraft update being broken again.

Judging by the estimated dislikes on this video, this announcement did not go over well with you.

Mojang, is this just the tip of the iceberg, or will you do better? Well, the same day I finished this video, Mojang combined the Java edition and the Bedrock edition into one purchase package, so $30 US gets you both versions now.

You know Mojang, you are good.

Just clean up the Bedrock edition, right? What do you guys think? That’s about it for me, links in the description, and thanks for looking.

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