Minecraft Gamerules : the complete list

You may have already found yourself wanting to modify certain aspects of the game, but didn’t know how. This is where the /gamerule command comes in. Released in version 1.4, this Minecraft command lets you modify many of your game’s parameters, easily and in Vanilla ! By the end of this article, you’ll know what each of these gamerules is for, and how to use them.

The different ways to set the gamerules of a Minecraft world

To begin with, it’s important to understand how gamerules can be set, and how they’re composed, so you can use them later. There are 2 ways of setting the game’s gamerules: either via the /gamerule command, or when creating your world (you can click on the “game rules” button, and a menu containing all the game’s gamerules will appear (see image below). Although easier to use, you can only use this menu when creating your world. Once created, you’ll be forced to use the controls. This menu is also not accessible on the Bedrock version of the game.

menu gamerule 2 1200x636 1
Gamerules editing menu when creating a Minecraft world (Java version)

The command is composed as follows :

  • The command base (/gamerule)
  • The name of the rule you wish to modify (complete list in the table below)
  • What you want to do with this gamerule. In general, you should write true or false to indicate how you want the gamerule to behave. Some gamerules, however, require a number to function.

The gamerule list

NameDescriptiondefault valueAvailabilityRelease version (Java version)
announceAdvancementsAllows you to hide (false) or show (true) progress announcements in chat.trueOnly Java1.12
blockExplosionDropDecayLets you control whether, when a block explodes (except for TNT), the quantity of items falling to the ground should be 100% (false) or random (true).trueOnly Java1.19.3
commandBlocksEnabledAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) command blocks.trueOnly Bedrock
commandBlockOutputAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the sending of a message to server administrators when a command block executes a command.trueJava & Bedrock1.4.2
disableElytraMovementCheckAllows you to enable (false) or disable (true) the server’s verification of the player’s speed when moving with elytra.falseOnly Java1.9
disableRaidsEnables (false) or disables (true) village raids.falseOnly Java1.14.3
doDaylightCycleEnables (true) or disables (false) the day/night cycle.trueJava & Bedrock1.6
doEntityDropsAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) the item drop when an entity other than a creature is broken (e.g. a boat).trueJava & Bedrock1.8.1
doFireTickEnables (true) or disables (false) fire propagation.trueJava & Bedrock1.4.2
doInsomniaEnables (true) or disables (false) ghost spawn.trueJava & Bedrock1.15
doImmediateRespawnAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) immediate reappearance after death.falseJava & Bedrock1.15
doLimitedCraftingAllows you to prohibit (true) or authorize (false) the crafting of unlocked recipes.falseOnly Java1.12
doMobLootAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) the drop of items and experience when a creature dies.trueJava & Bedrock1.4.2
doMobSpawningAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) the natural spawn of monsters.trueJava & Bedrock1.4.2
doPatrolSpawningAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the natural appearance of illageois.trueOnly Java1.15.2
doTileDropsEnables (true) or disables (false) item drop when a block is broken.trueJava & Bedrock1.4.2
doTraderSpawningAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the appearance of street vendors.trueOnly Java1.15.2
doWeatherCycleEnables (true) or disables (false) the weather cycle.trueJava & Bedrock1.11
doWardenSpawningAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the appearance of Wardens in ancient cities.trueOnly Java1.19
drowningDamageAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) drowning damage.trueJava & Bedrock1.15
fallDamageAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) fall damage.trueJava & Bedrock1.15
fireDamageAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) fire damage.trueJava & Bedrock1.15
forgiveDeadPlayersAllows you to prevent monsters from continuing to attack players when they have reappeared after a death (true).trueOnly Java1.16
freezeDamageAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) frost damage (damage sustained in powdery snow).trueJava & Bedrock1.17
globalSoundEventsAllows you to prevent all players on a server from hearing the sounds of in-game events (such as the death of the Ender Dragon) (false).trueOnly Java1.19.3
functionCommandLimitAllows you to set the maximum number of commands that can be executed by /function at a time.10 000Only Bedrock
keepInventoryAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) inventory retention after death.falseJava & Bedrock1.4.2
lavaSourceConversionAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the creation of infinite lava sources (in the same way as infinite water sources).falseOnly Java1.19.3
logAdminCommandsAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the recording of administration commands in server logs.trueOnly Java1.8
maxCommandChainLengthAllows you to set the maximum length of a string of commands that can be executed during a tick. Applies to command blocks and functions.65 538Java & Bedrock1.12
maxEntityCrammingAllows you to set the maximum number of entities that can fit on a single block before suffocating.24Only Java1.11
mobExplosionDropDecayLets you control whether, when a monster explodes, the quantity of items falling to the ground should be 100% (false) or random (true).trueOnly Java1.19.3
mobGriefingAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) terrain modification by creatures. If this gamerule is deactivated, creepers will no longer break blocks by exploding, for example.trueJava & Bedrock1.4.2
naturalRegenerationAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) natural regeneration (i.e. with food). If this gamerule is deactivated, players will be forced to use gold apples to regain life.trueJava & Bedrock1.6
playersSleepingPercentageAllows you to choose the percentage of sleeping players needed to get through the night. For example, if you set this gamerule to 50, then if half the players on the server are asleep, the night will pass.100Only Java1.17
pvpAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) PvP.trueOnly Bedrock
randomTickSpeedAllows you to choose how often a random block tick occurs (if you increase the random tick speed, certain game events such as plant growth or leaf decomposition will be accelerated. On the other hand, if you lower it, these events will be slowed down).
From number 4096 upwards, these events will be instantaneous.
Java : 3
Bedrock : 1
Java & Bedrock1.8
reducedDebugInfoAllows you to display the entire F3 menu (false) or only a reduced version (true).
Also enables you to activate (false) or deactivate (true) the F3 + G (which displays chunk borders) and F3 + B (which displays entity hitboxes) shortcuts.
falseOnly Java1.8
respawnBlocksExplodeAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) bed explosions in the nether and ender and reappearance anchors in the overworld and ender.trueOnly Bedrock
sendCommandFeedbackAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the sending of a comment message when a player executes a command.trueJava & Bedrock1.8
showBorderEffectAllows you to show (true) or hide (false) border block effects.trueOnly Bedrock
showCoordinatesAllows you to show (true) or hide (false) coordinates.trueOnly Bedrock
showDeathMessagesAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the display of death messages.trueJava & Bedrock1.8
showTags??Only Bedrock
snowAccumulationHeightAllows you to set the maximum number of snow layers that can be accumulated on 1 block when it snows.1Only Java1.19.3
spawnRadiusAllows you to set the radius around the appearance point in which players can appear when they join a server for the first time, or when they die without having defined a new appearance point.Java : 10
Bedrock : 5
Java & Bedrock1.9
spectatorsGenerateChunksAllows (true) or disallows (false) the viewer to generate chunks.trueOnly Java1.9
tntExplodesAllows you to activate (true) or deactivate (false) TNT explosions after their activation.trueOnly Bedrock
tntExplosionDropDecayLets you control whether, when a TNT explodes, the quantity of items falling to the ground should be 100% (false) or random (true).falseOnly Java1.19.3
universalAngerAllows you to allow (true) or disallow (false) monsters to attack all nearby players, not just the player who angered them.
Works best if the ForgiveDeadPlayers gamerule is disabled.
falseOnly Java1.16
waterSourceConversionAllows you to enable (true) or disable (false) the creation of infinite water sources.trueOnly Java1.19.3

Source : Minecraft Fandom

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1 thought on “Minecraft Gamerules : the complete list”

  1. I would really like to toally delete Creepers from the game, but keep all the other mobs. Is there s “No Creeper” command?


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